I have a very hard time understanding how some idiot human men could kill these babies and their mother just so they could drink bogus 'virility-enhancers' like Tiger-Bone wine, which is on a par with the scam of suction-cup breast-enhancement devices for women. I also cannot see any reason to kill these beings so that some egomaniac spiritual poseur can use their skins for a tantric ritual meditation mat. I do not see the torture and death of my totem as a spiritual value; from a shamanic point of view, the pointless deaths of so many vibrant striped spirits is part of the reason why there is so much sexual dysfunction around these days. Killing a tiger is a clear message to the Sentient Cosmos that the chi the tiger embodies is not respected or wanted, and as that reservoir of chi is injured, so too does human chi dry up. Koyanasqaatsi, guys...