I have a very hard time understanding how some idiot human men could kill these babies and their mother just so they could drink bogus 'virility-enhancers' like Tiger-Bone wine, which is on a par with the scam of suction-cup breast-enhancement devices for women. I also cannot see any reason to kill these beings so that some egomaniac spiritual poseur can use their skins for a tantric ritual meditation mat. I do not see the torture and death of my totem as a spiritual value; from a shamanic point of view, the pointless deaths of so many vibrant striped spirits is part of the reason why there is so much sexual dysfunction around these days. Killing a tiger is a clear message to the Sentient Cosmos that the chi the tiger embodies is not respected or wanted, and as that reservoir of chi is injured, so too does human chi dry up. Koyanasqaatsi, guys...
Hi T'Zairis,
Such cute little fellas!
The one on the left seems ready
to make his opinion of things
known to the world.
Hathor -- Mommy Kitty To Millions
P.S.: Been missing you at the Dark Mission
blog. Awfully quiet over there.
Hey, Marsandro!
I just posted a couple of messages over at Dark Mission in the 'Mars Moon' thread. I brought up the fact that this year over in England, they got a crop formation that looked like the diamond-faceting diagrams that were used to illustrate the 'Diamond in the Sky' article at TEM. Said formation came down before Rosetta got its look at Steins... possibly exactly 33 days before, too.
Sorry I've been incommunicado-- had a tooth that needed extracting, and some other matters that demanded my undivided attention. It looks like things are getting more active over at DM, so I'm checking in every 3 or 4 days at this point.
And, yeah, that little stripey guy has the cutest toothless-tiger yawn ever...
Hi T'Z,
I've had a little excitement too.
I just had stints put in over at the VA week
before last. It seems one of my bypasses had
"vanished." (At least, they were unable to
see it on the machine.)
They told me this happens in about 20 percent
of bypass cases. Sometimes the body just
"reabsorbs" the bypass somehow.
The other three reportedly are fine and
free-flowing as ever.
And then---voila!---the stints packed up.
Another catheter procedure to try to clear
the blood clot, but...no luck.
Nonetheless, it seems to have cleared by
itself now. Yay Plaavix! :-)
And...as if that wasn't enough...now I'm on
insulin. Seems my blood sugar just couldn't
bring itself to stay under 300+ even on
So, I've spent the last two weeks in and
out of the VA hospital.
Now, however, I'm feeling fit, and even
somehow strangely energized. (The insulin?)
See you back at DM!
Hathor -- My Nurse Practitioner
P.S.: Claudette says "Meow!" ;-))
I'll be sure and add you to my healing energy list-- I do an 'energy-sending' at least a couple of times a week for friends, family, fellow shamans, and folks I know from various e-places who are into doing meditation-things. It's a part of a larger 'project' I do, which is to induct and spread healing energy across the Western U.S.
At any rate, if you start seeing tiger-striped energy-peaches (a.k.a Peaches of Immortality) in your consciousness-field, those would be from me and the Tigers.
Oh, and Paisley (black lab/pointer mix) barks 'Hi' to you and Claudette!
Hi T'Z,
Thanks for the healing energy!
I was indeed seeing images some
days back of dark orange peaches
with tiger stripes, and wondered
what they meant.
Now I know!
There are four large ones, right in the
foreground, amidst a field of many more.
I am indeed doing better. My blood sugar
has been as low as 89! That's absolutely
unheard of for me!
And that's right after meals!
Claudette even seems to know the difference.
She puts her paws on my left chest and purrs
her approval. :-)
A perfunctory "woof!" from Daddy Cat (moir),
since I "speak a foreign language," goes out
to Paisley (who sounds much like Thumper,
a lab/pit beagle I had when I was a boy),
along with purrs from Claudette, who is
always glad to meet a friendly canine!
Thanks once again for the healing energy!
And Best Regards From One And All to
*Sparkle Kitty* ~!
Hathor -- The Hostess with the Mostess
Always happy to send along healing energy! I am also glad to know it is actually doing some good-- a lot of times one never hears feedback on any results, so things are just left hanging.
At any rate, I am pulling a lot of energy these days, so I will make sure that some continues to flow your way.
Hi T'Z,
Did you happen to catch any of
the off-topic dialogue (and my
apologies!) between myself and
Tarius, regarding what has been happening
to old science journals and documents?
I was particularly taken aback by the TAMU
alumnus who told me that they actually had
the *temerity* to use such bound volumes for
kindling in the Spirit Day bonfire, a football
spirit rally of all things.
Well...at least 953 and 971 are applicable...
plus 959, 969, 975 and 989.... :-)
Perhaps 906 can 963 a little sense into these
people.... :-))
We need our science history, obviously...
...and it would be nice to have one that
wouldn't disappear with the first Iranian
nuke detonated in the atmosphere.
I couldn't help but wonder what you must
think of all that, being as you are an
Assistant Librarian.
Hathor -- The Heart of the Flame
P.S.: Would you happen to remember the
date of the Los Angeles County School Board's
book burning rally? I know it was covered by
The McLaughlin Group, and they even showed
the video (of LAFD firemen, with military
flamethrowers, burning books), but I haven't
been able to pull up any internet copies of the
news story.
Maybe somebody torched the records? :-))
Yes, I have been following the off-topic stuff, but I've gotten behind responding as my computer got hit by a virus a couple of weeks ago. I had to un-ship and drag my CPU over to Fry's and have them completely wipe the hard drive, so I have spent the better part of the last week and a half trying to collect stuff I lost.
Fortunately, I had sent copies of the most critical stuff to a friend of mine, so when she heard about what had happened, she sent me back a bunch of folders and files for the writing project I am presently working on. However, much else was lost. The stuff that I really was not happy to lose was my electronic artwork-- I also had a little fiddly 'archive' of pix that I had collected that I use for generating collages, etc., and that is all gone with the wipe, alas!
I also lost my crop circle files for last year and this, but that was not as critical as some of the art and a few of my bookmarked sites.
It turns out that I got hit with a Trojan called 'vondo' which was lurking in some advertising on an Asian site I stumbled onto while doing some research. I had an older version of Norton on my machine that, even though it was still getting updated, just did not have the chops to fix the virus damage. It was able to identify it for me though, so I was able to tell the techs I took my machine to just what I got hit by.
Anyhow, I am not ignoring you and everyone else at the DM blog, etc. It's just that all the typing I've been doing lately is in aid of recreating my lost files. All I can say is Thank Sekhmet I posted all Her names on my blog, because that was one of the folders I lost.
Hi T'Zairis,
The cats are adorable, and I very much enjoy your "blog space". I've been meaning to leave a comment here for some time now.
I also wanted to ask you if you have been folowing David Wilcock at all. I'm assuming since you have been folowing both DM and Hoagie's site that you have heard of him. I am relatively new to alot of the metaphysical material out there, but have had a deep sense of wonder about it all since I was a small child. I have now been a reiki master for 2 years, and it seems the deeper I've been digging into the information, the more synchronicities seem to leap out in front of me as if to say "Hey! Look over here!". I've just started reading David's Convergance series a few days ago online, and I've started book two today. When I came to your blog today, I saw that you were sending out healings and I instantly thought back to David's "The Science of Oneness".
Anyways, just wanted to see if you've ventured to David's site at all.
Good to see you back at DM!
Take Care
P.S.: Sorry to read about your recent computer troubles.
I'm sorry to read about your recent health issues, but I'm glad to see that you're now doing better. It seems that Hathor is quite the nurse!
Good to see you posting again!
Take Care
Glad you like the various feline pix, and yes, I am acquainted with David Wilcock's site. I had a bunch of stuff bookmarked and stowed in my various Anomaly/UFO/Metaphysics folders that got swept away in the wipe, and his site was one that I went back to and bookmarked right away. I keep tabs on a lot of different things, even when I am a bit too busy to do a lot of posting. Hopefully, I'll be able to pull a few more things back together and update my own blog...
Speaking of things pertaining
to computers---
I don't know how "into" computers
you are, but I wanted to offer
the following:
Unbuntu, which is an open-source LINUX
system, is far less vulnerable than Windows
to the average hack attack. As you may know,
the vast majority (about 95%) of hack attacks
are aimed at Windows systems.
So, LINUX is one line of defense.
Another is the use of "Virtual PC," a new
operating system environment that allows you
to literally run "virtual PCs" on your PC.
So---when an attack takes one PC down, it
does *not* take out your actual machine.
And you can use Norton software to access
the files from the virtual disk of the
"affected" virtual PC---by simply closing
the virtual PC, and reading your own disk.
The new Lenovo quad-processor machines are
designed specifically to support this kind of
operating environment. I have seen the
in-store demos (at Office Depot) and I was
very impressed (for whatever that may be
The systems are also quite affordable, and
special sales are offered frequently through
Office Depot.
I just thought I'd let you know about this
option, since you have such an important
writing project, and you certainly need to
be able to protect it.
I only hope you are able to retrieve the
vast bulk of what you lost, and recreate the
rest. I've had to do this as well, and it
does take time.
My solution at the time was to acquire the
Black Ice Firewall, which was the best one
available back in those days.
Anyway, I thought I'd offer these tidbits
in the hope it could be helpful, assuming
you are in a position to go that route.
I always try to be helpful that way.
It's the "Big Cat" thing to do!
Hathor -- Sourcing the Horn of Plenty
P.S.: Hi, starborne! It's good to be back!
Thanks for the computer-info stuff! I have a coworker at my Sunday work-site who is what I'd call a real ubernerd. He also recommended LINUX as a partial solution and gave me some info on it, as this is what he has installed on his own machine.
What I am going to do in the short run is buy a couple of flash drives and park my key folders there. The thing that happens with me is that I develop haphazard collections of pictorial stuff that I make e-art from in the form of collages. All the oddball stuff on this blog are my little 'cut-and-paste' goodies, including my 'Martian cat' avatar, which is a c&p mirror of part of the Martian Feline monument off the old Tom Corbett Viewmaster slides (that were written up on TEM awhile back).
While I was able to recoup raw-materials-things like fractal pix and photos of tigers, I lost two years' worth of crop circle pix that I had saved for 'compare and contrast' things that I like to do. [Insert ill-tempered growling here.]
I figure the quickest way to make sure that I keep my collected stuff safe is to just park it all on a flash drive. Since I play around with the art a lot anyway, it would make sense to hold it on a device like a flash drive rather than more permanently burning it onto one or more back-up discs.
As far as anti-virus stuff goes, I've now got Norton 360 on board. When they wiped my hard drive and reloaded WinXP, I also had them install the requisite patch that would allow me to run the upgraded Norton. For the time being, I think this will suffice, but I am archiving the info that both you and my library coworker have provided.
Happily, I have also been able to recover some of the mythological stuff I had archived, but my dedicated Sekhmet folders all went bye-bye, so the only things I have left out of the stuff that I had reworked is what I had posted to the blog. I also had some items that I had written out long-hand, so I will be able to retype/retrieve those things as well, so it wasn't the all-round disaster it could have been.
The writing project I am working on-- a rhymed, English poetry version of the 'I Ching'-- was saved because I routinely send files to a friend of mine who, like me, is a long-time fan of the I Ching/Zhou Yi. I have now also printed out almost all of what I have written so far, so I've got hard copies of nearly everything. My original notes were so unreadable, that I was destroying them as I was transcribing stuff, and had I not sent things to my friend, I would have had about 15 Hexagrams-worth of couplets and quatrains to recreate from memory, so I dodged that bullet, too.
I am now in a hurry to buy the flash drives (I am going to do that tomorrow), as I have started getting ideas for putting together art for the I Ching project.
In the meantime, I've put the most critical text stuff onto a couple of floppies, and I just finished setting up folders for my recovering art archives, so that when the time comes to back it all up on the flash drives, I will be good to go.
Hi T'Z,
Sounds like you have things
mostly under control again!
I know it's a good feeling to get it all
put back together *and* to have it better
protected than ever.
Yes, Linux is a good answer to the problem
of online vulnerability. The two main
sources I know of are Ubuntu and RedHat.
As best I recall, each of those is about
version 7.0 by now. Also, Ubuntu is *free*.
Most computer stores have it at the counter
and will *give* you a CD.
(I'm not sure, but I think RedHat is free
also. At least, prior versions are, and
can be downloaded from the web.)
Support for either brand of Linux appears
to be about the same from what I have seen,
so either should be a good choice. The
main difference seems to be in things like
font support, and certain software packages.
As a rule, though, if Windows can support
something, so can Linux. And support for
both RedHat and Ubuntu is generally freely
available online.
Virtual PC is worth a look, too! It can
even support multiple operating systems!
I'm sure the "ubernerd" can confirm all of
that for you. :-)
Hathor -- With the Geek Squad at Best Buy
My library coworker has Ubuntu on his machine, so I can certainly pick his brains about stuff when I am at work on Sundays. I also picked up some gigstix today (two 4-gig flash-drives-- $18 each at Fry's) and I just finished backing up all my folders and files. Now all I need to do is make a set of full back-up discs (which I can do at my leisure thanks to the Norton 360) and I will be done with everything, thank Sekhmet!
Speaking of crop circles---
Have you seen this?
And I assume you know about the page at
WikiPedia with its links...
...and the crop circle web ring:
Just yours truly trying to be helpful!
Hathor -- Head of Catalog Sales
Thanks for the two crop circle links! The archive was one of the bookmarks I lost-- I went there tonight, re-bookmarked it, and then started going through the stuff from this year, as there were several formations (including the Yatesbury 'diamond') that I really wanted to re-archive. Had to call it quits for this evening though, as I need to get stuff ready for work tomorrow.
When time permits, I will check out the other site you mentioned. I am familiar with Paul Vigay and all the other good folk associated with British/world crop circle research, like Andy Thomas, Lucy Pringle, Nancy Talbot, Andreas Muller, etc., and there are several more sites that I need to visit so that I can replace more wiped bookmarks...
Thanks again, and Peace,
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