Monday, June 29, 2009

The Art of Our Foremothers...

The historical and mythological records both show that female ingenuity gave us early technology-- weaving, the bow and arrow, ovens, pottery and early metallurgy, to name several-- and now it is finally being acknowledged that it was our female ancestors who painted a large share of the paleolithic cave murals found in various places around the world. Of course, this new understanding is not being widely trumpeted-- as it actually should be-- because (the archaeologist mentioned in the article below excepted) Goddess forbid that the men of academia should ever actually acknowledge the massive contribution that female intelligence has made to the well-being and mental development of our species. Here is the entire article from the National Geographic website--

June 16, 2009--Inside France's 25,000-year-old Pech Merle cave, hand stencils surround the famed "Spotted Horses" mural.

For about as long as humans have created works of art, they've also left behind handprints. People began stenciling, painting, or chipping imprints of their hands onto rock walls at least 30,000 years ago.

Until recently, most scientists assumed these prehistoric handprints were male. But "even a superficial examination of published photos suggested to me that there were lots of female hands there," Pennsylvania State University archaeologist Dean Snow said of European cave art.

By measuring and analyzing the Pech Merle hand stencils, Snow found that many were indeed female--including those pictured here.

So first, evidence points to the high probability that the poet who composed and committed to writing the epics attributed to (a never-did-exist generic bard-fabrication called) Homer was female, and now we have female hand-prints all over cave murals in France. I know that my modern sisters and I will never receive the honest respect and full credit our sex is due, but the least that National Geographic could have done was devote more than 109 words to this important discovery.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Morphing Crop Circles

Over the last few years, we have been seeing a new kind of crop formation-- one that grows or morphs over time. Last year, we had the Swallows formation that easily doubled in size within a week, and this year we have a very interesting formation at Milk Hill (near Alton Barnes in Wiltshire) that is doing the same thing. Here is how the formation looked when it first came down last weekend--

Now, here is the same formation, as of today, June 23rd. The changes probably happened Sunday night/Monday, and are certainly major--

While I will not speculate at this point on the actual meaning(s) of the formation, I would hazard a guess that in this kind of morphing glyph, the figure is being presented in two parts in order to focus our attention on each part as a unit, as well as on the formation as a whole. Since the ratchet-pi formation occurred-- and due to the more-than-coincidental similarity between the ratchet-pi glyph and the CARET programming language-- I have been convinced that one function among the many in each crop formation is that it is a kind of earth-programming.

I also think that the morphing formations function in at least two ways: one, as a sort of primer for us, so that we can begin to understand the language, and two, as a time-phased bit of earth-programming.

I think it bears repeating once more that crop formations in general are holographic, and all have multiple meanings, so there is not 'one right answer' as to what they are communicating. Just as biological adaptations frequently serve more than one purpose in an organism, so too do crop circles 'multi-task', and one of the tasks is to teach humanity that it is time to pull its collective head out of the one-correct-way/one-correct-answer over-simplification box.

For those interested in some of the meanings being discussed with regard to this formation, I will refer you to the Crop Circle Connector website. This formation is listed on the page for the month of June, and when you click into the page for this glyph, there is a 'Comments' tab that takes you to the latest discussions of possible meanings for the formation. Both the pictures I have posted are from the Crop Circle Connector website.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Midsummer Musical Interlude--

The lady in the picture is Ms. Laima Jansone, a Latvian musician who plays the kokle, sometimes known as the Latvian Harp. She is a prodigious talent on an archaic instrument, and carries forward ancient Baltic Pagan musical traditions which have thankfully been preserved in her homeland.

My late husband was of Latvian descent (I am of Polish/Slovene heritage), and the all-too-short YouTube video of her playing out in the middle of a forest truly evokes another time and place.

It is traditional for Latvians to celebrate Midsummer (the Summer Solstice) with music, song and dance, and since Midsummer is rapidly approaching, I decided to post this as a musical Blessing for all. The YouTube link is below-- Enjoy!

For those of you with better bandwidth, here are two more links (better video and sound quality) for her over at Exposure Room. The first link is for the same piece on the YouTube video, and the second link is for a piece called 'Sounding the Trees'...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

France to Disclose UFO Reality by Friday?

While perusing various digests this morning, I came across the article quoted below. It has been picked up by a number of UFO sites, and it was originally posted by Macedonia Online, the website for the Macedonian news agency, MINA. Below is a quote of most of the article, followed by the url for the article at Macedonia Online--

The words 'Nous ne sommes pas seuls' or 'We are not alone' will be somberly pronounced this week by a senior Government official of the nation that brought the world 'Liberté, égalité, fraternité'. France is set to concede that it is aware of an alien presence on earth by no later than Friday.

Paris has chosen follow the lead of maverick UFO nation Brazil and resist US pressure to continue delaying disclosure until America feels it is ready for the event.

It is believed that a telephone hot-line has been set up in Paris to deal with queries from panicky citizens. A special division of France's police department is also to be established: to handle UFO reports.

It is believed Holland and Germany are set to soon follow France's lead. //M. Cohen

Here's the url for the article--

It will be interesting to see if France actually does do a full disclosure of what they know. After years of oil cartel and military/industrial agendas hiding behind 'Brookings' skirts', the natives are getting restless...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

In Sync with the Bird Motif...

It does seem as though this crop circle season is turning into a 'zoological year'-- so far, we've had a jellyfish, birds (shown in picture, courtesy of Crop Circle Connector), a dragonfly, and three fish, and the season is still young.

Personally, I am very partial to the 'Counter-rotating Birds' formation, as it seems to be referencing something I have been doing recently while meditating.

I will pause here for a moment to say two things:

1) I personally think that all crop formations carry multiple meanings/messages, which are all coherent and are meant for multiple recipients. They are not a 'single correct message' form of communication, but are instead sort of holographic. This means they have simultaneous meaningful messages for individual human observers, the sentient Earth, and the Skypeople and/or interdimensional entities who made them, and that all of the messages are valid. I also think that one of the purposes of crop formations is to get us Terran-humans used to multi-layer, multi-purpose types of communication. They are an exercise aimed at least in part at getting us out of a 'there is only one correct answer to any given question' mindset.

2) While the lay of the crop in the above picture has been characterized by the people examining the formation on the ground as 'rough, and having a lot of broken plant-material', I still think the formation is genuine (i.e., not hoaxed by humans attempting to muddy the situation). Furthermore, I think the breakage and the roughness is, in this case, a part of one of the message-facets of this formation.

Now, back to my story-- I have, for a number of years, attempted to send mental pictures to the beings/energies who make the crop formations, to see if what I send would eventually wind up on the ground somewhere. Long story short, I've had several 'hits', and the way in which the designs tallied with what I'd visualized, has led me to the idea that whoever/whatever has been making crop formations over the years can clearly perceive our thoughts. I also began to understand that a formation made seemingly in direct answer to my sent visualization also had equally valid, individually tailored messages for other observers, which did not lessen the basic validity of any of the messages 'bundled' in the formations.

What this has meant for me is that each year, although the crop formations appear half a world away from me, there are at least a handful that directly reference things I visualize in such a way as to be obvious to me personally that someone has been gently 'surfing my consciousness-field' (as per my invitation via projected visualizations to do so).

This year, I have been working on a meditative visualization technique for accessing and moving healing energy into my body. It involves, in part, picturing two counter-rotating discs of energy that spread out around me from a center-point in my solar plexus (Third chakra, for those who are metaphysically-inclined). The upper disc spins in a counter-clockwise direction (in agreement with the Northern Hemisphere Coriolus-spin-effect), while the lower disc spins clockwise. I find that keeping the visualization of both discs going in opposite directions at the same time is a bit tricky, so I sometimes see them as having either vanes (like a turbine) or feathers (like a bird's primary flight-feathers) which seems to help me keep the rotation-directions clear in my mind's eye. Making the discs spin in my meditation generates a vertical tube or cord perpendicular to the discs, which aligns parallel to my spine, and starts radiating energy into my body.

In total, the meditation consists of generating and spinning the discs, which then generates the center-cord, which then generates the healing energy. To sustain the spin-visualization for 20 to 30 minutes, I use music (perferably something like electronic dance/trance stuff with a rapid, even beat) to help me do this.

In performing the meditation regularly, I have discovered that the exercise has two components that act simultaneously, just like the counter-rotating discs. On the one hand, it generates an energy-cord that feeds/heals my bodily energy, and on the other, it breaks up unhealthy energy patterns in the area encompassed by my own energy-field. I sometimes see this happen during the meditation when my consciousness spontaneously drops to an area between the two discs-- when this happens, I see an area of turbulence in the space between the discs that is created by their counter-rotation. The incoming healing energy forces the 'old stuff' out between the two discs, where it is literally torn apart and recycled into energy thrown outward by the motion of the discs.

I now ask the reader to reexamine the crop circle picture shown above in light of the description of my meditation.

The counter-rotating energies are shown clearly by the directions of the birds' beaks/faces, with the upper/outer rotation being counterclockwise, and the inner/lower rotation moving opposite to it, in a clockwise direction. Just as I use the device of vanes or feathers to keep the rotation straight visually, the birds' heads do the same in the formation. The center 'hole' in the formation marks the position of the generated cord or channel. Even the music is there-- the formation is seven-fold, as are the notes of the standard musical octave (the eighth note of the octave is a higher repeat iteration of the first note). The eight dots that make up the 'teardrop comet' are the full octave, and the teardrop points in the direction of the upper-disc spin.

While there is no doubt in my mind that the circlemakers are telling me that they clearly see (and applaud) my meditation efforts, there is also no doubt in my mind that they are saying other things to other people. And when I found out about the rough lay and the (unusual) broken plants within the formation, I realized that they had another message for me.

As anyone who gets involved with these sorts of things knows, anomalies and conspiracies interconnect, as do crop formations and UFOs. When I heard about the rough lay of the crop, several ideas collided in my head all at once-- the 'we oppose deception' message the circlemakers left many years back, the way my meditation breaks up and releases old energy, and that staple of black project conspiracy, the Aviary-- and I thought, "Oh my Goddess, the grain-smashing, Earth-trashing Aviary is being deconstructed..."

Maybe when we heal ourselves, we really do heal the world.