Now, here is the same formation, as of today, June 23rd. The changes probably happened Sunday night/Monday, and are certainly major--

While I will not speculate at this point on the actual meaning(s) of the formation, I would hazard a guess that in this kind of morphing glyph, the figure is being presented in two parts in order to focus our attention on each part as a unit, as well as on the formation as a whole. Since the ratchet-pi formation occurred-- and due to the more-than-coincidental similarity between the ratchet-pi glyph and the CARET programming language-- I have been convinced that one function among the many in each crop formation is that it is a kind of earth-programming.
I also think that the morphing formations function in at least two ways: one, as a sort of primer for us, so that we can begin to understand the language, and two, as a time-phased bit of earth-programming.
I think it bears repeating once more that crop formations in general are holographic, and all have multiple meanings, so there is not 'one right answer' as to what they are communicating. Just as biological adaptations frequently serve more than one purpose in an organism, so too do crop circles 'multi-task', and one of the tasks is to teach humanity that it is time to pull its collective head out of the one-correct-way/one-correct-answer over-simplification box.
For those interested in some of the meanings being discussed with regard to this formation, I will refer you to the Crop Circle Connector website. This formation is listed on the page for the month of June, and when you click into the page for this glyph, there is a 'Comments' tab that takes you to the latest discussions of possible meanings for the formation. Both the pictures I have posted are from the Crop Circle Connector website.
Well, you asked me to let you know when and if I see something in crop circles that is related to something I've been thinking/relating to the makers. Here it is. If this really is in reference to a possible solar event for 7/7/09, then we have a dead ringer!
Two weeks ago when taking part in the meditation group, the image that was selected was a solar flare. I thought you'd like to know! :)
Yes, I'm really interested in all this, and I've been following comments at the crop Circle Connector website to the effect that some of the researchers thought that the teardrop markers and other things in a couple of the formations pointed to a solar flare on July 7th. With your meditation group and the researchers over in England arriving at the same conclusion form different paths, and with the arrival of a solar flare today, there really can be no doubt that there is actual multi-level communication going on.
Personally, I just got hit by the 'Quetzalcoatl Headdress' formation-- I've been continuing to do my spinning-discs meditation, but over the last several weeks the meditation changed a bit: after broadcasting the energy I access, the spinning discs have started to morph into a saucer-shaped craft, with wings and a crescent on the top side that looks almost exactly like the Headdress formation. The formation also shows (in plan-view) the off-center dome on top, which is how I'd been spontaneously visualizing the ship.
What's weird about the formation is that every time I look at a pic of it, I almost cannot see it in flat 2-D. It keeps trying to go 3-D in my visual field, not unlike those scrambled pictures that have hidden 3-D images in them.
This is certainly turning into a very interesting crop circle season!
Don't mind me...
I'm just keeping my
big furry nose to the
window, watching all the
fascinating action....
Hathor -- Curled up and purring...
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