Every year, during crop circle season, many people (including myself) do meditations in an attempt to influence the symbolic content of crop circles. This year, since May, I have been meditating on a simple drawing of an owl that I sketched. My own 'Shamanic Energies' kept telling me during my meditation-sessions that 'an Owl would show up in August' as one of the crop circle patterns. On August 8th, the formation in the picture was reported over in England, at Woodborough Hill, near Alton Barnes. Needless to say, I am beside myself with glee, because it is really delightful to hear from distant friends, and to have one's meditations manifest on the physical plane in such a wonderful way. If there is anything that I think it is important for people to draw from this 'happening', it is the truth that what you experience 'in you imagination' is not simply 'just your imagination'-- it is also very real, and can have real-time effects in what we call 'consensus reality'. The Universe is far stranger than we know...
(Thanks to the Crop Circle Connector for the photo!)