Every year, during crop circle season, many people (including myself) do meditations in an attempt to influence the symbolic content of crop circles. This year, since May, I have been meditating on a simple drawing of an owl that I sketched. My own 'Shamanic Energies' kept telling me during my meditation-sessions that 'an Owl would show up in August' as one of the crop circle patterns. On August 8th, the formation in the picture was reported over in England, at Woodborough Hill, near Alton Barnes. Needless to say, I am beside myself with glee, because it is really delightful to hear from distant friends, and to have one's meditations manifest on the physical plane in such a wonderful way. If there is anything that I think it is important for people to draw from this 'happening', it is the truth that what you experience 'in you imagination' is not simply 'just your imagination'-- it is also very real, and can have real-time effects in what we call 'consensus reality'. The Universe is far stranger than we know...
(Thanks to the Crop Circle Connector for the photo!)
FYI a 28-point critical analysis of the 2nd edition of "Dark Mission" is here.
The Skypeople have never revealed themselves, never, ever, never. I don't care about your half-remembered half-memories while you were half asleep ! You know that, but you charge ahead stupidly for dubious and criminal reasons.
You are a Disinfotainment Shill and Troll.
Why don't you just float away in the wind ?
Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.
T'zari/T'ment, I invite you to orally activate my lower chakra point.
Hey T'Zemt..Long time no see. Sunking says you were over here but wasn't sure. I see you have confirmed yo self.
I posted the owl crop circle on one of my blogs. I remember being fascinated with the link I put together with the circle. Will look for it and post back at you. Good to see you out and about.
This link ties most of the interesting crop circles into a coherent picture. It's in his most recent work on Beteljeuse and 2012.
Fuck off, feel-good nobody nothings who rely on half-remembered half-memories as true scientific data !
I think you devote way too much negative energy to blasting Dark Mission, considering all the email's I've received in different places, prooting your 28 point analysis. Such pushy-ness makes me doubt you and your motives and raises you a notch on the disinformation meter.
Again, so very very nice to run into you again. The blog I referred to is http://fshod.blogspot.com
I do not use comment moderation because it is impractical for my situation. Instead you must become a member. If you will email me at fshod@hotmail.com I will the add you to the invite list, and an invite will be emailed to you. (Note: for your privacy concerns, you may wish to create a dummy email account on one of the services (yahoo, hotmail, gmail) because I believe it is possible for other to see your email addy.
I know, a little pain...but I and other's on FSHOD remember you with kindness and respect and we'd LOVE to have you join us. Losing your input when the Captain stranded us was cause for much wailing and gnashing of teeth ;).
a GREAT many of the crewe followed us to The Captains Blog - Drydock (http://enterprisemissiondrydock.blogspot.com) in the hopes that whatever happened to RCH would get straightened out and he would contact us. Imagine the bitterness when he DIDN'T! So when it finally became apparent the he lived and was just ignoring us, we created FSHOD and carried on.
It's been a rocky road, made rockier by certain malcontents that made an open blog not workable, hence we went to member's only.
Anyway, please come join us.
Oh, and cool about the owl crop circle! Some of you work and talk about crop circles got me more interested in them and opened up my mind quite a bit! Thanks.
Something for nothing...
From the "Dark Mission" blog, 'New Edition Hits the Stores' thread
"When they start trotting out the 'junk science' and ad hominem attacks, it is because they have *nothing* with which to refute your actual data."
I think you may be right about that. It reminds me of....
10/16/07, Mike Bara: Any other stupid questions, Unit?
11/08/07, Mike Bara: Perhaps you should do more thorough research before embarrass yourself further.[sic]
12/10/07, Mike Bara: Face it, you lost. Go away.
12/12/07, Mike Bara: Unit, you are so dumb.
12/17/07, Mike Bara: Plait is a blithering idiot.
12/18/07, Mike Bara: This is yet another example of the stupidity and dishonesty of not only Plait, but the abject morons who regularly inhabit his site
12/21/07, Mike Bara: bison breath ... ignoramus and\or liar
01/03/08, Mike Bara: a significant character disorder....I’d match wits with him, but he’s only half prepared.
01/07/08, Mike Bara: You are irrational. Step away from the computer before you injure yourself. .... your continued demonstrations of your own stupidity ...
02/23/08, Mike Bara: your arrogance, stupidity and venality is quite obvious to everyone who reads anything you've already posted.
03/23/08, Mike Bara: As if we needed more proof you are a complete idiot,
04/20/08, Mike Bara: More proof that you're an abject moron
06/08/08, Mike Bara: Jeff Rense is a money-grubbing, self serving, back stabbing anti-semetic [sic] piece of shit
06/29/08, Mike Bara: I'm not confused. You're a complete idiot.
07/26/08, Mike Bara: all you prove here is what a fool you are
Hi T'Zairis,
I left a recent reply to jjrakman on the
"Is It Nibiru?" blog, which you might find
The skypeople indeed listen---and speak---and,
it would seem, even attend school with us.
Ask me to tell you about "Diana" sometime....
And you can fill me in on what you know about
Lucera/Hera/Venus/Aphrodyte, and their relation,
if any in particular, to Diana/Artemis.
Hathor -- Perusing the scrapbook...
Holy-moley! I'm away from the blog for a bit and look what happens... I am very happy to see you-all again, Ericswan and SunKing! SunKing, I will send you a membership request forthwith. And Marsandro, I will be looking at your comment at 'Is It Nibiru' as soon as I can.
Biological Unit--
I posted your backlogged messages as a courtesy, and also so people could get a feel for why I will be deleting all comments from you from here on in. I have neither the time nor the inclination for masses of unproductive flaming. And as far as 'orally activating your lower chakra-point' goes, it can't be done, because you don't have one.
While I appreciate the fact that you are aggrieved with Mike Bara, you are really going to have to address your issues with him directly to him. I posted your back comments as a courtesy, as I was away from the blog for so long, but they do not directly or indirectly pertain to the article posted on this blog, which is about the Owl crop formation at Woodborough Hill in August of this year. Future comments not on topic, or at least tangentially related to the topic will not be posted.
Anybody home?
Hi T'Zairis,
About the Correa device:
You can find more at this URL:
The various patents are listed under---
These describe the device I was researching.
Hathor -- In Circulation...
Hi T'Zairis,
I left some coordinates
of interest in the "More
Confirmation" blog on
Just letting you know! :-)
Been busy? :-
< o||
(= o-)
< o||
Hathor -- leaving a note...
Today is Jan 08, 2010.
Anybody home?
Hathor -- a bit concerned...
Hi T'Zairis,
Perhaps the Sky Listeners
are "people-ing"...
...but I speculate....
Hathor -- just checking to see if
anybody's home...
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