Monday, May 4, 2009

Have Been Incommunicado...

A big 'sorry' to Marsandro and T'Claw! There's been a bunch of stuff going on with the hit-and-run case (as in evidence collection and phone depositions) and my dear Ms. Paisley passed away last month (at age 14 and 1/2), so things have been kinda crazy. I am also about to revamp the blog a bit, as-- speaking from a shamanic persepective here-- I have been experiencing a recursion of my many-years-latent Owl-energy. The Tiger-streak is still there, and very prominent-- it is my Chinese zodiac-sign after all-- but I am about to ditch some parts of the blog, as the Tigers and Owls are sending me in interesting directions. Also, now that 'Crop Circle Season' is again upon us, and it looks like it is going to be a spectacular year already, I'd like to give that some blog-space. Anyhow, if anyone wants to download any of the Lol-cat pix or the Sekhmet stuff, do so now, as it will be going bye-bye soon...


marsandro said...

Our condolances on the
passing of Ms. Paisley.

She will be missed.

Claudette and I shall have remembrance
for her at our next meal.

And now---the blog---

Nice makeover!

Of course, I'm curious---
being a cat, naturally---

Where are the Thousand Names Of

I was wanting to copy those, and I
can't find the page.

A true test of my tracking abilities....


Hathor -- Overlooking the trail


Thorn Harefoot said...

I've got the Names archived on my hard drive (and backed up on a zip-drive) only at this point. If you want them, I can email them to you. I've been kinda busy with stuff related to my accident-- everything from dealing with my auto insurance company to getting ready to give a phone deposition to the DMV on May 12th-- but what I think I will do soon is set up a gmail address so that I can give it out on the blog for stuff like this. Don't worry, though, I've got all 1000 Names, and I'll see you get them at some point in the near future.

Ms. Paisley lived to the ripe old age of 14 and 1/2, so it was her time to go, but she didn't go easy. She suffered a stroke and grand mal seized for 45 minutes, while I called all sorts of non-responsive mobile vet numbers given to me by my vet while trying to keep Paisley comfortable-- an 80 pound dog seizing in a small kitchen is no joke, and I was worried that she'd break a limb or something.

I finally called County Animal Control (whose emergency dispatcher was of much more help than my vet's office) and they sent an officer, but by the time she got to me (through evening rush-hour traffic), Paisley had passed. At least I was able to be with her at the end, so I feel good about that, but the whole experience was very unhappy.

Next time around, I think I want a smaller dog-- in the 30 - 40 pound range-- and I'd like to get both a dog and a cat, so after I get through all the crud with the DA's Office and possible trial in June, I'll start going to the Animal Shelter and talking to the folks there about adopting a dog and cat that get along.

I'm also needing to get some cat-stuff, because while I am set up for a doggie, I don't have any kitty-goodies. Right now, though, I just need to get through all the accident fallout first.

Glad you like the 'blog makeover'-- my Tiger-energies (which have been in overdrive helping me to heal) kind of 'rebooted' my old Owl-energies as a further healing and protecting vibe, so right now when I meditate, I see Tigers all over the place, plus Great Horned, Screech and Eagle Owls. I am also making excellent healing progress, which to me says I've got the right energies on board.
