Friday, December 31, 2010

Care-giving Obligations...

The blog has been inactive due to care-giving chores for 2 ailing parents, both 89 and both with some rather nasty health-issues. My time is currently divided between working and sharing full-on care-giving duties with one sister and a brother-in-law. If time permits in 2011, the blog will undergo yet another revamp, as to preserve my core energies and to keep myself sane in the midst of ongoing familial chaos, I have rebooted both my belly-dancing and some of my other artistic pursuits. I am sorry that I have had to be incommunicado for so long, but in the face of what went on all this year and last, something had to give, and it was my internet/blog-stuff that hit the wall. I am still following various anomaly-sites and am continuing to observe and meditate during 'crop circle season' each year. I am also continuing to delve into alternative healing modalities, and have been experiencing synchronicities that have been very interesting with regard to my dancing and my healing interests. They also involve what in shamanic terms would be called Spirit Guides, some of whom are the Horse-energies of my childhood and teen years, now bringing me back full circle-- or, more aptly, full spiral and on to new/renewed understanding and experiences.

Marsandro, I have posted all your previous comments to the last entry, and I'm sorry things have just been left hanging. I am hoping that 2011 will be a much more balanced year, and that I will at least be able to check in on my own blogs with some sort of semi-regularity.

My posting/user-name is also changing to my dance name: Djaninah (from Janina/Giannina, the Polish/Italian forms of my given name). Hopefully, this will not prove too inconvenient a shift for anyone still dropping by. Compared to the changes that will eventually happen to the blog, it's 'small sequins'...


ericswan said...

Sounds like you've been pulled by your belly button inside out. Sending out the good vibrations for you and yours.

marsandro said...

Hi T'Zairis---if I may use
that name yet once more---

Good to hear from you again!

I'm currently staving off an untoward
VA medical procedure...


Hathor -- playing "Whack-A-Quack"
